Unveiling The Marital History Of George Foreman: A Journey Of Love, Resilience, And Discovery

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How many times was George Foreman married?

George Foreman is a retired professional boxer and two-time world heavyweight champion, who later became an ordained minister and an entrepreneur. He has been married five times and has 12 children.

Foreman's first marriage was to Adrienne Calhoun in 1971. They had four children together before divorcing in 1979. In 1981, Foreman married Cynthia Lewis. They had five children together and divorced in 1999. Foreman then married Andrea Skeete in 2002, but they divorced in 2004. In 2008, Foreman married Mary Joan Martelly. They have one child together.

Foreman has been open about his struggles with relationships and marriage. He has said that he believes in the importance of family and that he is committed to making his current marriage work.

How many times was George Foreman married?

George Foreman is a retired professional boxer and two-time world heavyweight champion, who later became an ordained minister and an entrepreneur. He has been married five times and has 12 children.

  • First marriage: 1971
  • Number of children from first marriage: 4
  • Second marriage: 1981
  • Number of children from second marriage: 5
  • Third marriage: 2002
  • Fourth marriage: 2008
  • Number of children from fourth marriage: 1
  • Total number of marriages: 5
  • Total number of children: 12

Foreman has been open about his struggles with relationships and marriage. He has said that he believes in the importance of family and that he is committed to making his current marriage work.

Name: George Foreman
Born: January 10, 1949
Birthplace: Marshall, Texas
Occupation: Retired professional boxer, ordained minister, entrepreneur
Years active as a boxer: 1969-1977, 1987-1997
Boxing record: 76-5
World heavyweight championships: 2

First marriage

George Foreman's first marriage was in 1971 to Adrienne Calhoun. They had four children together before divorcing in 1979. This marriage is significant in the context of "how many times was George Foreman married" because it was his first of five marriages.

  • Number of marriages: George Foreman has been married five times, with his first marriage being in 1971.
  • Length of first marriage: Foreman's first marriage lasted for eight years, from 1971 to 1979.
  • Number of children from first marriage: Foreman had four children with his first wife, Adrienne Calhoun.
  • Reason for divorce: The reason for Foreman's divorce from his first wife is not publicly known.

Foreman's first marriage is a significant event in his life, as it was the beginning of his journey through multiple marriages. It is also notable that he had four children with his first wife, which is a significant number of children to have from one marriage.

Number of children from first marriage

The number of children from George Foreman's first marriage is a significant factor in understanding "how many times was George Foreman married".

Foreman has been married five times, and his first marriage produced four children. This means that a significant proportion of his children come from his first marriage. This suggests that his first marriage was a significant relationship in his life, and that he may have placed a high value on family and stability at that time.

The fact that Foreman had four children from his first marriage may also have influenced his decision to marry again. With so many children to support, he may have felt the need to find a stable and supportive partner. This could explain why he married four more times after his first marriage ended.

Overall, the number of children from George Foreman's first marriage is an important factor in understanding his marital history. It suggests that his first marriage was a significant relationship in his life, and that he may have placed a high value on family and stability at that time. It may also have influenced his decision to marry again multiple times.

Second marriage

George Foreman's second marriage is a significant event in the context of "how many times was George Foreman married" because it marked the beginning of a new chapter in his personal life and contributed to the overall number of times he has been married.

After his first marriage ended in divorce in 1979, Foreman married Cynthia Lewis in 1981. This marriage produced five children, making it the most fruitful of Foreman's five marriages in terms of the number of children. The fact that Foreman had five children with his second wife suggests that this marriage was a significant and stable relationship in his life.

The second marriage also contributed to the overall number of times Foreman has been married. With his second marriage, Foreman had now been married twice, which is a significant milestone in a person's life. It suggests that Foreman was committed to the institution of marriage and that he believed in the importance of finding a lifelong partner.

Overall, Foreman's second marriage is a significant event in the context of "how many times was George Foreman married" because it marked the beginning of a new chapter in his personal life, contributed to the overall number of times he has been married, and suggests that he was committed to the institution of marriage.

Number of children from second marriage

The number of children from George Foreman's second marriage is a significant factor in understanding "how many times was George Foreman married".

  • Marriage and family stability: Having five children with his second wife suggests that this marriage was a stable and significant relationship in Foreman's life. It indicates that he was committed to his family and that he placed a high value on raising children.
  • Influence on subsequent marriages: The fact that Foreman had five children from his second marriage may have influenced his decision to marry again multiple times. With so many children to support, he may have felt the need to find a stable and supportive partner. This could explain why he married three more times after his second marriage ended.
  • Public perception: Foreman's large family has contributed to his public image as a family man. This perception may have influenced his decision to marry again, as he may have felt pressure to provide a stable home for his children.

Overall, the number of children from George Foreman's second marriage is a significant factor in understanding "how many times was George Foreman married". It suggests that his second marriage was a stable and significant relationship in his life, that it may have influenced his decision to marry again multiple times, and that it contributed to his public image as a family man.

Third marriage

George Foreman's third marriage, which took place in 2002, is a significant event in the context of "how many times was George Foreman married". This marriage contributed to the overall number of times Foreman has been married, and it also marked a new chapter in his personal life.

Foreman's third marriage occurred after his second marriage ended in divorce in 1999. This suggests that Foreman was still committed to the institution of marriage and that he believed in the importance of finding a lifelong partner. His third marriage also produced one child, which further expanded his family.

The fact that Foreman has been married three times is a significant aspect of his personal life. It suggests that he is a person who values relationships and that he is willing to commit to marriage. His third marriage is a testament to his resilience and his belief in the power of love.

Overall, Foreman's third marriage is a significant event in the context of "how many times was George Foreman married" because it contributed to the overall number of times he has been married, it marked a new chapter in his personal life, and it suggests that he is a person who values relationships and commitment.

Fourth marriage

George Foreman's fourth marriage, which took place in 2008, is a significant event in the context of "how many times was George Foreman married". This marriage contributed to the overall number of times Foreman has been married, and it also marked a new chapter in his personal life.

Foreman's fourth marriage occurred after his third marriage ended in divorce in 2004. This suggests that Foreman was still committed to the institution of marriage and that he believed in the importance of finding a lifelong partner. His fourth marriage also produced one child, which further expanded his family.

The fact that Foreman has been married four times is a significant aspect of his personal life. It suggests that he is a person who values relationships and that he is willing to commit to marriage. His fourth marriage is a testament to his resilience and his belief in the power of love.

Overall, Foreman's fourth marriage is a significant event in the context of "how many times was George Foreman married" because it contributed to the overall number of times he has been married, it marked a new chapter in his personal life, and it suggests that he is a person who values relationships and commitment.

Number of children from fourth marriage

The number of children from George Foreman's fourth marriage, which is one, is a significant factor in understanding "how many times was George Foreman married".

  • Family size and stability: Having only one child from his fourth marriage suggests that Foreman may have been at a different stage in his life, where he may have prioritized other aspects of his life, such as his career or personal growth. It could also indicate that he and his fourth wife mutually agreed to have a smaller family.
  • Age and life stage: Foreman was 59 years old when he married for the fourth time. His age and life stage may have influenced his decision to have fewer children, as he may have been more focused on enjoying his marriage and pursuing other interests.
  • Previous marriages and children: Foreman had already had 11 children from his previous marriages. This may have influenced his decision to have only one child with his fourth wife, as he may have felt that his family was already complete.

Overall, the number of children from George Foreman's fourth marriage is a significant factor in understanding "how many times was George Foreman married". It provides insights into his personal choices, life stage, and family dynamics.

Total number of marriages

The total number of marriages for George Foreman is 5, which is a significant aspect of understanding "how many times was George Foreman married". This number contributes to the overall narrative of his personal life and relationships.

The fact that Foreman has been married five times suggests that he is a person who believes in the institution of marriage and the importance of finding a lifelong partner. His multiple marriages indicate his commitment to finding love and companionship, even after experiencing setbacks and divorces.

Understanding the total number of Foreman's marriages provides insights into his values, beliefs, and life experiences. It highlights his resilience and his willingness to embark on new relationships, even after facing challenges in previous marriages.

Total number of children

The total number of children that George Foreman has, which is 12, plays a significant role in understanding "how many times was George Foreman married". This number is a direct result of his five marriages, as he has had children with each of his wives. The fact that he has such a large number of children highlights the importance he places on family and his commitment to providing for his loved ones.

The number of children Foreman has also influenced his decision to marry multiple times. With so many children to support, he may have felt the need to find a stable and supportive partner who could help him raise his family. This could explain why he married five times, as he sought to create a stable home environment for his children.

Understanding the connection between the total number of Foreman's children and the number of times he has been married provides insights into his personal life, his values, and his commitment to family. It also highlights the challenges and responsibilities that come with having a large family.

FAQs on George Foreman's Marriages

This section addresses common questions and misconceptions surrounding George Foreman's marital history.

Question 1: How many times has George Foreman been married?

Foreman has been married five times.

Question 2: How many children does George Foreman have?

Foreman has 12 children.

Question 3: Who was George Foreman's first wife?

Foreman's first wife was Adrienne Calhoun.

Question 4: How long was George Foreman married to his second wife?

Foreman was married to his second wife, Cynthia Lewis, for 18 years.

Question 5: Why did George Foreman get married so many times?

Foreman has not publicly disclosed his reasons for marrying multiple times.

Question 6: Is George Foreman currently married?

Yes, Foreman is currently married to Mary Joan Martelly.

These FAQs provide a brief overview of George Foreman's marital history. It is important to note that the information presented here is based on publicly available sources and may not be exhaustive.

Transition to the next article section...

Tips on Understanding George Foreman's Marital History

Understanding the complexities of George Foreman's marital history requires a nuanced approach. Here are a few tips to help you delve deeper into this topic:

Tip 1: Consult reputable sources.

When researching Foreman's marriages, it is essential to rely on credible sources such as biographies, interviews, and official records. This will ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information you gather.

Tip 2: Consider the context.

Foreman's marriages occurred during different periods of his life and were influenced by various factors such as his age, career, and personal beliefs. Understanding the context surrounding each marriage can provide valuable insights.

Tip 3: Analyze the reasons for divorce.

While Foreman has not publicly disclosed the specific reasons for his divorces, examining the available information can help you speculate on the potential causes. This can provide a deeper understanding of the challenges and complexities involved in his relationships.

Tip 4: Explore Foreman's religious beliefs.

Foreman's religious beliefs may have influenced his views on marriage and family. Understanding his religious background and how it shaped his perspectives can provide additional context for his marital history.

Tip 5: Examine the impact on his children.

Foreman's multiple marriages and divorces have undoubtedly affected his children. Exploring the dynamics of his relationships with his children and the impact on their lives can provide a comprehensive view of his marital history.


By following these tips, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of George Foreman's marital history. Remember to approach the topic with respect and sensitivity, as it involves personal and potentially sensitive information.

Transition to the conclusion:

George Foreman's marital history is a complex and multifaceted subject that can be approached from various perspectives. By utilizing these tips, you can delve deeper into the topic and gain valuable insights into the life and relationships of this iconic figure.


George Foreman's marital history is a complex and intriguing subject that sheds light on his personal life, relationships, and values. Throughout his life, he has been married five times and has 12 children. While the reasons for his multiple marriages and divorces are not fully known, exploring the context, motivations, and impact of his relationships provides valuable insights into the complexities of human relationships.

Foreman's journey through marriage and family highlights the challenges and resilience that can accompany this aspect of life. His story serves as a reminder that even public figures are not immune to the ups and downs of relationships and that finding lasting love and companionship can be an ongoing pursuit.

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